Get in touch with Antique & Unique

Contact us.

Email: (please check your spam folder if you don’t receive a reply within a few hours).

Phone: 07813 369871 - please note that I am not always able to answer the phone, so please leave a message if there is no answer and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.

Address: Antique & Unique, Unit 2 (Churchwood Design), Tideswell Business Park, Meveril Road, Tideswell, Derbyshire. SK17 8PY

What3words: even.dude.increases

Directions: Approaching Tideswell from the crossroads on the A623, where the Anchor Pub is situated, take the second right turning onto Meveril Road. Go straight on and we are at the end on the right, next to Ce-Tek.

Opening times:

Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm, but phoning before visiting is recommended.

Saturdays: We are usually open on Saturdays from midday until 4pm, but this is not guaranteed so please call to check before setting off.

Please get in touch with any queries.